Return Policy

If you want to cancel your tour for any reason, you have to write down it to us 15 days before your journey departure date. We shall approve it as cancelled most effective after receiving a valid written be the notice from the customer. If the purpose to your cancellation is true like injury or serious illness, you may postpone your tour or switch your booking to another person who meets all the requirements for the journey. But, a charge of USD 200 per person might be charged if you postpone or switch your trip inside 15 days prior to your journey date. Please note that the deposited money is nonrefundable, consequently, you may utilize the money to book a tour with Nepal Trekking Routes Treks and Expedition next time.

If Tour Incomplete

We are not obligated to refund in case of Tour Incompletion from your side.

Force Majeure

If your journeys get cancelled because of any unexpected instances like disasters, conflict or unfavourable climatic situations, we can arrange any other trip for you. So, your money is safe and secured which will be used for next visit or Nepal Trekking Routes Treks will arrange the package accordingly analysing the favourable situations.

Budget changing

The change in the Tour Package Price is imminent in case of drastic change in the foreign currency exchange rates and government rules.

Travel Insurance

We strongly recommend a complete travel insurance package deal to all our customers. The insurance should cover all the medical fee, personal accident, emergency evacuation (heli rescue), and tour cancellation, loss of equipment and natural calamity, theft of or damage to baggage and private results etc.

Flight Delay/Cancellation

The mere reason for the delays and the cancellation of the flight is mainly due to the climatic variability and hard terrain. The unusual blinding fog, heavy rainfall and strong winds could also results in flight delays or sometimes cancellation. The major timings for the chances of flight delay and cancellation occurrences are in winter and rainy season. Another major reason is the technical difficulty because of the lack of instrumental landing system in Tribhuvan International Airport; the domestic flights are often delayed or cancelled. January to the end of February is the bad time for the domestic flights in Nepal.